Nevada Gardens Home
Photo ID # Common Name Botanical Name Narrative for Nevada Class LV Narrative for So. Utah  Class UT
262501 Creeping Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' Evergreen shrub or trailing ground cover with fragrant leaves widely used as seasoning.  Small blue flowers in winter and spring.  Takes full sun and poor soil but needs good drainage.  Water deeply and infrequently; feed lightly and prune as needed for form and control. evergreen
264805 Huntington Carpet Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington Carpet' This hardy evergreen has unique dark grey-green needle foliage. Blooms blue flowers in fall and spring on a dwarf semi prostrate shrub, usually less than 1 foot tall. Thrives in poor well-drained soil. Full sun recommended for best growth and flowering results. Commonly found in herb gardens. Drought tolerant once established. evergreen
289701 LATHAM RED RASPBERRY Rubus idaeus 'Latham' Hardy, cultivar bearing fruits in fall. Flowers bloom from April thru July and staking is advised. Fruit produced on year old wood. Cut down fruited canes to ground level at end of season. Best in rich garden soil with excellent drainage, regular water and fertilizer.  Keep thinned and well pruned for best production. perennial
419801 Marion Blackberry Rubus 'Marion' Flavorful medium to large fruit. Heavy producer. Best grown on trellis or fence with protection from afternoon sun. Likes deep, well-drained soil, ample water. Use Gold Dust Starter Fertilizer when planting.  Feed with Fruit Tree and Nut Food when new growth first appears. perennial
255901 DESERT RUELLIA Ruellia Larger, noninvasive variety to about 4 feet tall shows deep blue flowers throughout the season.  It makes a good accent or border. Does best in AM sun with well-drained soil and regular water. Can be grown in containers. perennial
148501 BLOODY SORREL RED DOCK Rumex sanguineus ssp. Sanduineus Bloody Red Dock is named for the blood-red veins in its green fronds. For those who don't want to evoke the macabre, Red-Veined Dock is another common name. It produces two to three-foot stems for its loose star-shaped blossoms that begin pale green & turn reddish brown. Best in afternoon shade. Will go dormant in colder winters. perennial
255703 Coral Fountain Russelia Russelia 'Equisetiformis' Marked by its bright red tubular flowers, this neat shrub to 5 x 5 feet makes an unusual accent in morning sun to bright shade. Good trellis subject. Prefers good drainage and moderate to regular water. May be damaged at 28 F. Protect from cold winters. Cut back in spring if burned down by winter frost. perennial
450605 Mexican Blue Sage Salvia chamaedryoides A small mounding shrub that can grow to about 2 feet high and 3 feet wide with small bright grey foliage. It has dark blue flowers that appear almost year-round. Peak blooming period is midspring through late fall. Give full sun, good drainage and deep infrequent water when established.  semi-evergreen
479005 CHAPARRAL SAGE Salvia clevelandii Southwest native to 4 feet tall. Blue flowers in spring and summer. Wonderful sage fragrance, nice addition to desert themes. Full sun, infrequent water when established.  Use desert plant food in spring and summer.  Prune in spring before new growth begins. Evergreen
478889 Salsa Mix Salvia Salvia coccinea Attractive to butterflies, this tender perennial to 3 feet has red flowers all season. Full sun, amended, well-drained soil, regular water. May be damaged at 30 F. Self-seeds and will spread in your garden, without being really invasive. Feed with flower food every 4-6 weeks. tender perennial
480101 Mystic Spires Blue Salvia Salvia farinacea 'Mystic Spires' Graceful Indigo Spires keep growing, but pruning will keep it in bounds. Deadheading will encourage more blooming. The first dwarf of the well-loved Indigo Spires. Works well with coneflowers and phlox, or combined with yellows black-eyed Susans and New Gold lantana. Best with some afternoon shade, good drainage and regular water. perennial
478601 Purple Autumn Sage Salvia greggii, Purple This popular desert shrub to 3 x 3 feet has tube shaped, purple flowers most of the year.  Full sun, amended, well-drained soil. Deep, infrequent water when established.  Use desert plant food every 6 weeks; looks best with regular pruning. evergreen
477705 Scarlet Autumn Sage Salvia greggii, Scarlet This popular desert shrub to 3 x 3 feet has tube shaped, scarlet flowers most of the year.  Also comes in coral, pink,red, white and purple. Full sun, amended, well-drained soil; deep, infrequent water when established.  Use desert plant food every 6 weeks; looks best with regular pruning. evergreen
479101 Mexican Bush Sage Salvia leucantha Graceful shrub to 3 x 3 feet; slender spikes of purple and white flowers in  summer and fall. Good desert accent.  Full sun or light shade, well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when established.  Cut old stems to ground; new ones bloom continuously. perennial
437051 Golden Sage, Herb Salvia officinalis 'Aurea' A shrubby perennial with velvety gray-green leaves. Early summer flowers are violet spikes. Grows to 2 feet or so and thrives in full sun with good drainage. Widely used as a culinary herb in poultry stuffing, omellettes, soups and bean dishes. It is also used as a medicinal herb. Feed with Desert and Cactus Food. perennial
436851 Bergarten Sage, Herb Salvia officinalis 'Bergarten' Attractive to butterflies, this hardy perennial to 1 to 2 feet has violet to lavender flowers late spring thru mid-summer. Aromatic scent and pungent flavor the velvety silver-green foliage will take full sun, amended, well-drained soil, with deep infrequent water once established. Feed with Desert & Cactus Food. perennial
426001 Eveline Sage Salvia pratensis 'Eveline' This perennial produces sticky spikes of deep violet to pink 1 inch flowers on a 12 inch group. Blooms all summer. Deadhead spent flowers. It has ruffled leaves and forms an upright clump 3 feet tall by 1 foot wide. Give good drainage and infrequent water when established. Full sun and winter hardy. perennial
425301 Royal Crimson Sage Salvia pratensis 'Royal Crimson' A clumping sage growing 3 to 4 feet tall. Rich green slightly ruffled foliage with toothed edges. This variety has striking magenta colored 1 inch flowers all summer in a 12 inch group. Makes great flower arrangements. Give good drainage and infrequent water when established. Full sun and winter hardy. perennial
421401 Twilight Seranade Sage Salvia pratensis 'Twilight Seranade' A clumping sage growing 3 ft. tall. Rich green slightly ruffled foliage with toothed edges. This variety has beautiful blue-violet colored 1 inch flowers all summer in a 12 inch group. Makes great flower arrangements. Give good drainage and infrequent water when established. Full sun and winter hardy. perennial
243901 Black and Blue Salvia Salvia splendens 'Black And Blue' Very attractive bedding sage to 1 foot or more. Clusters of deep purple flowers on bright green foliage. This plant may be an annual here, but it likes to re-seed itself! Looks best with late PM shade. Amended soil good drainage and regular water. Feed with Flower Food every 4-6 weeks. Remove faded blooms to keep neat. annual
480201 Red Vista Salvia Salvia splendens 'Red Vista' Striking bedding sage to 1 foot or so. Clusters of deep red flowers on green foliage. This plant may be an annual here, but it likes to re-seed itself! Looks best with late PM shade. Amended soil good drainage and regular water. Feed with Flower Food every 4-6 weeks. Remove faded blooms to keep neat. annual
020655 Moonshine Sansevieria trifasciata "Moonshine" Broad, nearly solid, light silvery gray-green foliage with a trace of dark green around the margin. Plants grown in deep shade have darker leaves. Usually have 3 or more upright wide leaves to 12 inches, giving a vase-like form as the leaves diverge slightly from the center. Easy to grow. Infrequent water. Houseplant 
016640 Golden Birds Nest Sansevieria trifasciata `Golden Hahnii' Attractive green leaves with a combination of marginal and internal yellow stripes of variable width which are parallel with the veins. Grow in a porous mix, and avoid chill. Deep infrequent water, moderate light. Houseplant
144901 Buttercream Saxifraga Saxifrage decipiens Beautiful groundcover. Spreads by runners, good in shady rock gardens. Flowers of white to pink stand on short stems about 6 inches tall. Has rose colored foliage in winter. Recommended for small areas. Tends to die back if exposed to too much summer heat. Likes shade and moist well drained soil. perennial
266115L Low Branch California Pepper Schinus molle Striking landscape tree grows rapidly to 30 x 30 feet or more. Big root system. Variety trained to give low foliage. Full sun, good drainage, deep infrequent water when established. Loves heat, may be damaged at 24 F. Will recover from  most freezes. Stake and prune as necessary when young. Evergreen
266115M California Pepper Multi Schinus molle, Multi Striking landscape tree grows rapidly to 30 x 30 feet.  Big root system needs plenty of room.  Full sun, good drainage and deep, infrequent water when established.  Loves heat. May be damaged at 24 F. Will recover from  most freezes.  Stake and prune when young. Evergreen
266115N California Pepper Natural Schinus molle, Natural Striking landscape tree grows rapidly to 30 x 30 feet or more.  Big root system needs plenty of room.  Full sun, good drainage and deep, infrequent water when established.  Loves heat. May be damaged at 24 F. Will recover from most freezes.  Stake and prune as necessary. Evergreen
266105T California Pepper Tree Schinus molle, Std. Striking landscape tree grows rapidly to 30 x 30 feet or more. Big root system needs plenty of room.  Full sun, good drainage and deep, infrequent water when established.  Loves heat. May be damaged at 24 F. Will recover from most freezes.  Stake and prune when young. Evergreen
389640 Mexican Sedum Sedum confusum Spreading, succulent ground cover to 12 inches tall with masses of yellow flowers in spring.  Use in borders, containers or miniature gardens.  Morning sun or bright shade, well drained soil, infrequent water, little fertilizer. Hardy to 15 F. Succulent
217301 Sea Urchin Sedum Sedum lineare Admired for it's exquisite foliage this attractive groundcover has a mounding and spreading habit. Grows to 2 to 4 inches high with small, narrow, medium to silver-green leaves are edged in white. Extremely drought tolerant. Give full to part sun. Cold hardy to - 5 F. perennial succulent
413701 Carpet Sedum Sedum lineare tri-color Trailing rooting stems to 1-foot long flower profusely in late spring to early summer. Give it full to part sun, well-drained soil and infrequent to moderate water. Good in containers; Space 18 inches apart for ground cover. Cold Hardy. Evergreen Succulent
213901 Blue Spruce Sedum Sedum pinifolium 'Blue Spruce' Succulent crawling perennial to 10 inches with bright yellow flowers.  Good in containers, rock gardens and borders. Full sun to partial shade, well-drained soil, infrequent water, little fertilizer. Prune stalks after bloom. Prefers lower pH but tolerate higher salts. evergreen succulent
213801 Autumn Fire Sedum Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Fire' A more 'stable' and brilliantly colored "Autumn Joy". Shows color sooner and does not "fall apart" in the middle. Succulent perennial to 2 feet with coppery rose flowers.  Good in containers, rock gardens and borders.  Full sun to partial shade, well-drained soil, infrequent water, little fertilizer.  Prune stalks after bloom evergreen succulent
237901 Green Dragon's Blood Sedum Sedum spurium 'Green Dragon's Blood' A short herbaceous semi-evergreen groundcover to 6" tall when in flower, quickly spreading to form mats of dense stems and miniature foliage. Full sun to partial shade. Prefers well-drained soils. Great for sites around rockery, thin soils, poor soils, dry soils, high pH, extreme heat and high light reflectance. Very cold hardy. evergreen succulent
416701 John Creech Sedum Sedum spurium 'John Creech' Spreading and low growing. Great in rock gardens, where they spill over the stones and seem to require no care what-so-ever. Succulent like foliage in round leaves with an emerald green tint. Forms a tight mat that doesn't usually get taller than 6". Cold hardy! Give good drainage and morning sun. Evergreen Succulent
216701 Matrona Big Leaf Sedum Sedum telephium 'Matrona' Large clusters of pink flowers. Succulent, gray-green leaves with rosy edges on dark burgundy stems. Grows to about 1 x 2 ft. Good in containers, rock gardens and borders. Full sun to partial shade, well-drained soil, infrequent water, little fertilizer. Very cold hardy. Prune stalks after bloom.  evergreen succulent
216901 Chinese Sedum Sedum tetractinum 'Chinese' Succulent crawling perennial to 6 inches with bright yellow flowers. Flat, round, green summer foliage turns reddish bronze in fall. Good in containers, rock gardens and borders. Full sun to partial shade, well-drained soil, infrequent water, little fertilizer. Prune stalks after bloom. Prefers lower pH but tolerate higher salts. evergreen succulent
451801 Trailing Jade Senecio jacobsenii An African succulent with glossy, light green, oval shaped leaves.  It is very easy to grow and vigorous with a trailing growth habit, it is suitable for a hanging basket or even as a ground cover. Beautiful orange cushion type flowers in spring through summer. Give good drainage. May be damaged at 20 F. Succulent
186201 Blue Chalk Stick Senecio mandraliscae Attractive succulent to 1.5 x 2 ft. or so. long blue gray pencil-like fleshy leaves and small white flowers in mid-summer. Drought tolerant but tolerates regular irrigation. Protect from frost or grow as annual may be damaged at 30 F. Give morning sun, good drainage and infrequent to regular water when established. evergreen succulent
188789 Ichiban Eggplant Solanum melongena 'Ichiban' This eggplant is a frost-tender herbaceous perennial, usually grown as an annual. Will grow 2-4 ft tall large rangy leaves. Flowers are purple followed in 60 days by delicious 9 x 1 in. purple fruit. Easy to grow in full sun or PM shade, good drainage and regular water.  Fertilize in early and late spring.   annual
482105a TEXAS MOUNTAIN LAUREL Sophora secundiflora Slow growing shrub or small tree to 12 x 8 feet or more has clusters of fragrant violet-blue flowers in spring.  Excellent as desert hedge, screen or accent.  Full sun, any well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when
 established.  Remove seed pods before they mature.
482105P TEXAS MOUNTAIN LAUREL PATIO TREE Sophora secundiflora Beautiful slow growing small tree to 12 x 8 feet or more has clusters of fragrant violet-blue flowers in spring.  Excellent accent.  Full sun, any well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when established.  Remove seed pods before they mature. 12-Jan
425501 Creeping Globe Mallow Sphaeralcea munroana A standout groundcover with pale pink flowers. Will spread to 4-5 feet across and 1 to 1.5 tall. Will tolerate temps into the teens and keep on blooming through the winter.  This plant sold as 'munroana' actually grows like the 'philippiana' very different from that California native. Very drought tolerant but will take a bit of water. Full sun. evergreen
219801 Spinach Melody Spinacia oleracea An award winner with thick, crinkly, dark-green leaves, 'Melody' is a vigorous, slow-to-bolt spinach with good disease resistance. It may either be planted in spring or fall. Plant every six inches in rows 1 foot apart. Feed once during season. Cut off at ground level to harvest, avoiding the extra grit that comes from pulling up the whole plant.  annual
462705 Mexican Fence Post Stenocereus marginata Growing straight up, just like a fence post, this attractive cactus slowly reaches 10 ft. or more. Its' fragrant white blooms open at night in spring. Good container plant.  Give it full sun, good drainage and deep, infrequent water.  Protect from frost and severe cold. May be damaged at 28 F. Cacti
454605 ORGAN PIPE CACTUS Stenocereus thurberi Attractive dark green clumping cactus grows slowly to 12 feet wide and 15 feet tall.  Large reddish white flowers open in spring followed by edible fruit.  Prefers full sun, well drained soil and infrequent watering.  Protect from freezing temperatures. May be damaged at 28 F. Cacti Attractive dark green clumping cactus grows slowly to 12 feet wide and 15 feet tall.  Large reddish white flowers open in spring followed by edible fruit.  Prefers full sun, well drained soil and infrequent watering.  Protect from severe cold, may be damaged at 28 F.
454405 Arizona Organ Pipe Cactus Stenocereus thurberi  Attractive dark green stems that are lined along the ribs with short deep brown spines. Clumping cactus grows slowly to 12 feet wide and 15 feet tall or more. Large reddish white flowers open in spring followed by edible fruit.  Prefers full sun, well drained soil and infrequent watering. May be damaged at 28 F. Cacti
144205 MADAGASCAR JASMINE Stephanotis floribunda Also known as Bridal Wreath this fast-growing shrub to six feet or more is widely cultivated for its lasting waxy white flowers and intense fragrance. Best in morning sun with amended soil, good drainage, regular water and fertilizer.  Prune heavily after flowering.  Plant may die back in winter but should recover. Evergreen
214201 Mexican Feather Grass Stipa tenuissima This soft, finely textured ornamental grass, to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide, produces delicate flowering stems in summer. Widely adaptable in its watering needs, it does best in amended soil and PM shade. Cut back in spring to remove dormant foliage. perennial
267407 GIANT BIRD OF PARADISE Strelitzia nicolai Large variety of Strelitzia. Can grow 20 feet high in well-protected areas.  Large blue-gray infloresence (bird-like) with white flowers. Grows best with PM shade, regular water and fertilizer.  Protect from strong winds and severe cold. May be damaged at 35 F. tender evergreen
267459 GIANT BIRD OF PARADISE Strelitzia nicolai Large variety of Strelitzia. Can grow 20 feet high in well-protected areas.  Large blue-gray infloresence (bird-like) with white flowers. Grows best with PM shade, regular water and fertilizer.  Protect from strong winds and severe cold. Hardy to 38 F. tender evergreen
267315 TROPICAL BIRD OF PARADISE Strelitzia reginae These colorful plants make striking accents in well protected areas.  Spectacular multicolor flowers are good for cut arrangements.  Prefers afternoon shade, any well-drained soil and deep, infrequent water when
 established.  Protect from extreme heat, cold and wind. May be damaged at 34 F.
tender evergreen
268705 Angel White Lilac Syringa vulgaris 'Angel White' Graceful shrub to 8 feet or more, has many small, fragrant, white flower clusters in spring.  Good lilac for tall hedges.  Best with afternoon shade, amended soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Fertilize with Tree Shrub and Vine food in spring and summer. deciduous
265405 Miss Canada Lilac Syringa vulgaris 'Miss Canada' This hardy, late-flowering hybrid bears perfumed rose-pink buds opening to pink flowers. Graceful shrub to 8 feet or more. Beautiful specimen plant. Best with afternoon shade, amended soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Fertilize with Tree Shrub and Vine food in spring and summer. deciduous
365340 MARIGOLD MIX Tagetes hybrids  Mixed medium flowers orange & yellow all season. Height to 18 in. Excellent border plant. Full sun, good drainage and moderate water.  Feed monthly with Flower Food.  Remove spent  flowers for continuous bloom.  Avoid overhead watering.  Scented foliage repels insects. annual
365740 MARIGOLD ORANGE Tagetes hybrids 'Marigold Orange' Medium, orange flowers all season. Height to 10 in. Excellent border, or accent. Full sun, good drainage and moderate water.  Feed monthly with Flower Food.  Remove spent  flowers for continuous bloom.  Avoid overhead watering. Scented foliage repels insects. annual
365640 MARIGOLD YELLOW Tagetes hybrids 'Marigold Yellow' Better garden variety to 10 inches has medium, bright yellow flowers all season.  Excellent border, accent or potted plant.  Full sun, rich soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Feed monthly with Flower Food.  Remove spent flowers for continuous bloom.  Avoid overhead watering.  Strongly scented foliage may repel insects. annual
292540 Red Marigold Tagetes hybrids 'Red' Medium, red flowers all summer. Height to 10 in. Excellent border, or accent. Full sun, good drainage and moderate water.  Feed monthly with Flower Food.  Remove spent  flowers for continuous bloom.  Avoid overhead watering. Scented foliage repels insects. annual
272005 Orange Jubilee Honeysuckle Tecoma alata 'Orange Jubilee' Sprawling, heat loving shrub or vine has bright orange, tubular blossoms in spring, summer and fall.  Good espalier plant, bank cover or barrier hedge.  Full sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. Protect from severe cold may be damaged at 25 F. perennial Sprawling, heat loving shrub or vine has bright orange, tubular blossoms in spring, summer and fall.  Good espalier plant, bank cover or barrier hedge.  Full sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water.  Protect from severe cold may be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
272015T Orange Jubilee Honeysuckle Tree Tecoma alata 'Orange Jubilee' Sprawling, heat loving small tree has bright orange, tubular blossoms in spring, summer and fall.  Full sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. Protect from severe cold may be damaged at 25 F. perennial
272015E Orange Jubilee Honeysuckle Espalier Tecoma alata 'Orange Jubilee', Esp. Sprawling, heat loving shrubby vine with bright orange, tubular blossoms in spring, summer and fall.  Full sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. Protect from severe cold may be damaged at 25 F. perennial Sprawling, heat loving shrubby vine with bright orange, tubular blossoms in spring, summer and fall.  Full sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water. Protect from severe cold may be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
272005P Orange Jubilee Honeysuckle Patio Tree Tecoma alata 'Orange Jubilee', P.T. Sprawling, heat loving small tree has bright orange, tubular blossoms in spring, summer and fall.  Full sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. Protect from severe cold may be damaged at 25 F. perennial Attractive Topiary. Heat loving small tree has bright orange, tubular blossoms in spring, summer and fall.  Full sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent water. Protect from severe cold may be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
271901 Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis Vigorous, heat-loving shrub to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of red orange tubular flowers in spring summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. Vigorous, heat-loving shrub to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of red orange tubular flowers in spring summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
271901 Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis Vigorous, heat-loving shrub to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of red orange tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. perennial
271705 Yellow Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis 'Aurea' Vigorous, heat-loving shrub or vine to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of yellow tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. perennial Vigorous, heat-loving shrub or vine to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of yellow tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
271605P Golden Cape Honeysuckle P.T. Tecoma capensis 'Aurea', P.T. Vigorous, heat-loving topiary contained to 8 x 6 feet. Clusters of Golden Yellow tubular flowers through fall. Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water. May be damaged at 25 F. Protect from frost and freezing. Prune after frosts as needed for form and control. perennial Vigorous, heat-loving topiary contained to 8 x 6 feet. Clusters of Golden Yellow tubular flowers through fall. Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water. May be damaged at 25 F. Protect from frost and freezing. Prune after frosts as needed for form and control. tender perennial
271905E Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis, Esp. Vigorous, heat-loving vine to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of red orange tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. perennial Vigorous, heat-loving vine to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of red orange tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
271905P Cape Honeysuckle Patio tree Tecoma capensis, P.T. Vigorous, heat-loving topiary contained to 8 x 6 feet. Clusters of Red Orange tubular flowers spring through fall. Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water. May be damaged at 25 F. Protect from frost and freezing. Prune after frosts as needed for form and control. perennial Vigorous, heat-loving topiary contained to 8 x 6 feet. Clusters of Red Orange tubular flowers spring through fall. Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water. May be damaged at 25 F. Protect from frost and freezing. Prune after frosts as needed for form and control. tender perennial
244415 Orange Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis 'Orange' Vigorous, heat-loving shrub to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of orange tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. perennial Vigorous, heat-loving shrub to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of orange tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall.  Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
244215 Red Cape Honeysuckle Tecoma capensis 'Red' Vigorous, heat-loving shrub to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of red orange tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall. Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. perennial Vigorous, heat-loving shrub to 8 x 8 feet or more has clusters of red orange tubular flowers in spring, summer and fall. Colorful accent.  Prefers amended, well-drained soil and moderate water.  Prune as needed for form and control.  Protect from frost and freezing. May be damaged at 25 F. tender perennial
272105 Gold Star Honeysuckle Tecoma stans ‘Gold Star This spectacular heat-loving shrub grows to 6 x 6 feet or more with an abundance of golden-yellow flowers spring through fall. Plant in full to part
 sun and good garden soil; water moderately and fertilize regularly. Prune as needed.
270905 Little Leaf Yellow Bells Tecoma stans angustata 'Little Leaf' Beautiful sun and heat-loving shrub to 6 x 6 ft or more has medium sized bright yellow flower clusters spring through fall. It likes good garden soil, regular fertilizer and moderate water. May freeze back but recovers nicely. Prune after frosts as needed. May be damaged at 25 F. perennial
272105 Gold Star Honeysuckle Tecoma stans 'Gold Star' This spectacular heat-loving shrub grows to 6 x 6 feet or more with an abundance of golden-yellow flowers spring through fall. Plant in full to part sun and good garden soil; water moderately and fertilize regularly. Prune after frosts as needed. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. May be damaged at 24 F. perennial
272115E Gold Star Honeysuckle, Esp. Tecoma stans 'Gold Star' Spectacular heat-loving shrubby vine grows to 8 feet or more with an abundance of golden-yellow flowers spring through fall. Plant in full to part sun and good garden soil; water moderately and fertilize regularly. Prune after frosts as needed. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. May be damaged at 24 F. perennial
272115X Gold Star Honeysuckle, Stk Tecoma stans 'Gold Star', Stk. This spectacular heat-loving vine grows to 6 x 6 feet or more with an abundance of golden-yellow flowers spring through fall. Plant in full to part sun and good garden soil; water moderately and fertilize regularly. Prune after frosts as needed. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. May be damaged at 24 F. perennial
271805 Yellow Bells Tecoma stans 'Yellow Bells' This beautiful sun and heat-loving shrub to 6 x 6 feet or more has clusters of tubular bright yellow flowers spring through fall. It likes good garden soil, regular fertilizer and moderate water. Prune after frosts as needed. May freeze back but recovers nicely. May be damaged at 24 F. perennial
271805X Tecoma stans 'Yellow Bells' Esp. This beautiful sun and heat-loving vine to 6 x 6 feet or more has clusters of tubular bright yellow flowers spring through fall. It likes good garden soil, regular fertilizer and moderate water. Prune after frosts as needed. May freeze back but recovers nicely. May be damaged at 24 F. perennial
272205 Sunrise Bells Tecoma x 'Sunrise' This beautiful sun and heat-loving shrub to 6 x 6 feet or more has clusters of copper-yellow flowers spring through fall. It likes good garden soil, regular fertilizer and moderate water. Prune after frosts as needed. Can freeze back but recovers nicely. May be damaged at 24 F. perennial
273605P Yellow Oleander, Patio Tree Thevetia peruviana, P.T. Flowering shrub to 8 x 6 feet or more. Large beautiful and fragrant yellow flowers. Leaves are smaller than real oleander (nerium). Use as hedge, screen or accent.  Likes full sun; tolerates any soil, heat and wind. Regular water. Prune when needed. Feed lightly in spring and summer. May be damaged at 32 F.
236903 Green Giant Arborvitae Thuju occidentalis 'Green Giant' Versatile plant to 40 x 10 or more, can be used as a specimen, or as a background plant. Tolerates a wide range of soil types, and thrives in a wide variety of climate conditions. 'Green Giant' has a naturally uniform habit and exceptional winter color.
235403 Emerald Green Arborvitae Thuju occidentalis 'Smaradg' Versatile plant to 10 x 3 or more, can be used as a specimen, or as a background plant. Tolerates a wide range of soil types, and thrives in a wide variety of climate conditions. Has a naturally uniform habit and exceptional winter color. Best in morning sun.
143940 Dahlberg Daisy Thymophylla tenuiloba A bushy little accent with deeply divided needle-like leaves and lots of yellow daisy flowers. It gets up to 1 foot tall and spreads a bit wider. The leaves have a lemony scent when crushed or bruised. The small flowers have bright golden or yellow rays. Full sun and good drainage, but forgiving of our alkaline soil. May be damaged by 28 F. perennial
273701 Asian Jasmine Trachelospermum asiaticum Fast growing, wiry groundcover has fragrant, yellowish white flowers in spring.  Good as bank cover, spilling over walls, or climber.  Best with afternoon shade, amended soil, good drainage, and moderate water.  Feed
 lightly with shrub food in spring and summer.
273905 Star Jasmine Trachelospermum jasminoides Popular vine has fragrant, white, starlike flowers in spring.  Excellent on trellis, fence, entryway or arbor.  Likes morning sun, amended, well-drained garden soil and moderate water.  Hardy to 20 degrees.  Fertilize with Tree, Shrub and Vine Food in Mar, May and Sept. evergreen
286905 Willmill Palm Trachycarpus fortunei Single, hairy-trunked palm grows to 15 ft. or more; hardy to 10 degrees. Very adaptable--does well in afternoon shade.  Once established, water deeply and infrequently.  Fertilize with palm food 2-3 times from May-Sept. evergreen
270401 PURPLE HEART Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea' This attractive plant to 1' x 2' or more. Shows purple flowers on unusual bicolor leaves. Good for pots, bedding plants or spot ground cover, it may go dormant in winter. Full sun to filtered shade with moderate water. Pinch back after bloom. Evergreen
438815 Flying Saucer Cactus Trichocereus hybrid It's radiant, nearly florescent flowers are 6 inches with pinks and yellows combining to produce a glowing orange. Flower petals are soft and full. The white throat makes the petals stand out. Full sun and well drained soil; water deeply and infrequently. Good container specimen; hardy to 30 degrees. evergreen succulent
454405 Mexican Organ Pipe Cactus Trichocereus spachiana 'Mexicana A bit smaller than the Organ Pipe Cactus, this attractive clumping cactus grows slowly to 5 feet wide and 7 feet tall or more. Red-white flowers in spring. Edible fruit. Light lime green body with long golden spines. Prefers full sun, well drained soil and infrequent watering. May be damaged at 27 F. Cacti
214640 Herb Wheatgrass Triticum aestivum Nutritional info:Vitamins A, B, C, E and K, Calcium, Chlorophyll, Iron, Lecithin, Magnesium, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Potassium, Amino Acids, Protein: up to 30%. As your plants grow they need more and more water. Use Potting Soil Plus. The more soil you use - the more water it can hold - the less you need to water. Best in morning sun. annual
094240 Garden Nasturtium Tropaeolum majus 'Nasturtium' Nasturtiums are a wonderful, versatile annual plant to have in your garden. They grow easily and flower very quickly. Select a variety of colors from yellow, orange and red. Plant them in morning sun and in the poorest soils and they will still provide a bountiful bloom for you until the first frost.  annual
289224 DRAKE EVERGREEN ELM Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake' An excellent tree that is surprisingly under-used, The Drake Elm possesses many traits which make it ideal for many landscape uses. Fast-growing, nearly evergreen tree, forms a graceful, spreading, rounded canopy of long, arching, and somewhat weeping branches which are clothed with two to three-inch-long, shiny, dark green, leathery leaves. Full Sun, deep infrequent water. Fertilize spring and fall.
488701 Arizona Rosewood Vauquelinia californica Decorative, handsome plant to 15 x 10 feet has clusters of white flowers in summer.  Very tolerant of intense sun, poor soil, hot winds and cold; an excellent alternative to oleander.  Give this one deep, infrequent water when established. evergreen
468301 Verbena Aztec Dark Pink Magic Verbena Aztec 'Dark Pink Magic' Deep Pink colored flowers on this attractive little groundcover. This hybrid is a good choice for containers and hanging baskets as well a entryways. Best in full or part sun with amended soil, good drainage and moderate water. May over winter if conditions are mild. annual
467801 Aztec Grape Magic Verbena Verbena Aztec 'Grape Magic' Deep Purple flowers on this stiking groundcover. This hybrid is a good choice for containers and hanging baskets as well a entryways. Best in full or part sun with amended soil, good drainage and moderate water. May over winter if conditions are mild. annual
418601 Aztec Plum Magic Verbena Verbena Aztec 'Plum Magic' Deep Magenta flowers on this beautiful groundcover. This hybrid is a good choice for containers and hanging baskets as well a entryways. Best in full or part sun with amended soil, good drainage and moderate water. May over winter if conditions are mild. annual
489001 Aztec Violet Verbena Verbena Aztec 'Violet' Rich violet colored flowers. This patio hybrid is a prime choice for containers and hanging baskets.  Best in full or part sun with amended soil, good drainage and moderate water. May over winter if conditions are mild. annual
488901 Pink Homestead Verbena Verbena Homestead 'Pink' Tough, perennial trailing plant good for hanging baskets and ground cover. Also in red, blue and purple.  Full sun, amended soil with good drainage. Drought tolerant once established.  Overhead water not recommended.  Prune heavily in spring before new growth begins.
488801 Purple Homestead Verbena Verbena Homestead 'Purple' Tough, perennial trailing plant good for hanging baskets and ground cover. Also in red, blue and pink.  Full sun, amended soil with good drainage. Drought tolerant once established.  Overhead water not recommended.  Prune heavily in spring before new growth begins.
487801 Red Homestead Verbena Verbena Homestead 'Red' Tough, perennial trailing plant good for hanging baskets and ground cover. Also in red, blue and pink.  Full sun, amended soil with good drainage. Drought tolerant once established.  Overhead water not recommended.  Prune heavily in spring before new growth begins.
468201 Fuego Verbena Verbena hybrid Beautiful new hybrid shows flowers of deep orange. They're well suited for containers, desert or traditional landscapes. Give them full or part sun, amended soil, good drainage and deep, infrequent soakings when established. Fertilize often with Flower Food.
484601 Lanai Blue Vervain Verbena Verbena Lanai Blue Vervain Blue-purple flowers throughout the season. Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary. Full sun. Height up to 7 inches. Spacing 18 inches. Hardy Temp 34°F. Use in hanging baskets, window boxes, landscaping and combination planters. Provide good drainage. Fertilize spring and fall. annual
484001 Temari Bright Pink Verbena Verbena Temari Bright Pink A fast-growing plant that quickly adds large clusters of intense pink blooms to containers, window boxes, and the front of borders. Its densely branching, trailing stems weave among any neighbors in an artful way. Plants are resistant to powdery mildew and thrive in good drainage, heat and full sun.  annual
484101 Tukana Raspberry Verbena Verbena Tukana Raspberry Large raspberry flowers throughout the season. Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary. Full sun. Height up to 8 inches. Spacing 8-12 inches. Hardy Temp 15°F. Use in hanging baskets, window boxes, landscaping and combination planters. Provide good drainage. Fertilize spring and fall. annual
263602 DWARF WALTERS VIBURNUM Viburnum obovatum 'Densa' Attractive Shrub to 4 ft. Small opposite, serrated leaves. Covers with tiny white flower clusters early spring. Has been confused with Ilex vomitoria until it blooms!! Occurs on stream lands, wet hammocks, floodplain woodlands, wet pine flatwoods. Likes water! Morning Sun or partial shade. Dark blue fruit.  11-Jan
263505 Eastern Snowball Bush Viburnum opulus 'Roseum' Masses of pure white snowball-like flower clusters make a showy display in summer. Bright green leaves have a purplish-red fall coloring. Spectacular landscape specimen. Moderate growth to 12 x 10 feet wide, or more. Give morning sun good drainage and deep infrequent water when established.
232801 Variegated Dwarf Periwinkle Vinca minor 'Sterling Silver' Has light green leaves with white margins. In the spring, when this variety is flowering the contrast of the blue flowers against the variegated foliage is most striking. Lavender blue flowers appear spring through fall.  Likes morning sun, good drainage, regular fertilizer and infrequent water when established. evergreen
326840 BEACONSFIELD PANSY Viola wittrockiana 'Beaconsfield Mix' Fall and Winter bedding plant. Flowers of blue and white with deep blue faces and yellow eyes.  Excellent in borders or containers.  Full sun, rich soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Remove spent flowers to increase bloom.  Feed with Flower Food every 4-6 weeks.
412840 MAJESTIC DELTA BLAZE PANSY Viola wittrockiana 'Delta Blaze' Fall and Winter bedding plant.Many bright flowers of orange and red painted faces.  Excellent in borders, masses or containers.  Full sun, rich soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Remove spent flowers to increase bloom.  Feed with Flower Food every 4-6 weeks.
292642 JOLLY JOKER Viola wittrockiana 'Jolly Joker' Cool Season bedding plant. Attractive maroon flowers with orange centers.  Excellent in borders or containers.  Full sun, rich soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Remove spent flowers to increase bloom.  Feed with Flower Food every 4-6 weeks.
413040 MAJESTIC MAXIM MIX PANSY Viola wittrockiana 'Maxim Mix' Cool season bedding plant famous for its flowers of many bright colors and painted faces.  Excellent in borders, masses or containers.  Full sun, rich soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Remove spent flowers to increase bloom.  Feed with Flower Food every 4-6 weeks.
412940 MAJESTIC WINE FLASH PANSY Viola wittrockiana 'Wine Flash' Fall and Winter bedding plant. Bright flowers of maroon and yellow with brown painted faces.  Excellent in borders or containers.  Full sun, rich soil, good drainage and moderate water.  Remove spent flowers to increase bloom.  Feed with Flower Food every 4-6 weeks.
495105 Silver Spire Vitex Vitex 'Silver Spire' Large flowering shrub to 8 ft. or small tree 14 feet or more covered with spikes of white flowers summer thru fall.  Full sun, well-drained soil, moderate to infrequent water.  Adapts to nearly any situation.  Prune to
 suit--hedge, shrub or tree.  Feed spring and summer.
493505 Fascination Vitex Vitex trifolia purpurea 'Fascination' Beautiful shrub with striking magenta and green leaves to 8 feet. Covered with large spikes of blue violet flowers summer thru fall.  Morning sun, well-drained soil, regular water. Protect from frosts. Prune to suit, shrub or tree.  Feed spring and summer. semi-evergreen
237405 California Grape Vitis californica 'Rogers Red' A vigorous vine growing 3-6 feet per year, it turns flaming red in the fall before losing its leaves. Also sets fruit profusely, with only occasional water. While tasty, the grapes are seedy, making it great for attracting  birds to your garden. Give plenty of sun and good drainage. Fertilze regularly. deciduous
289605 Chardonay Grape Vitis vinifera 'Chardonay' Classic family of wine grapes includes such other renowned varieties as Zinfandel, and Merlot. Yellow-Green grapes. Blooms in mid to late spring. Vigorous variety with compact fruit. Likes rich, well-drained soil, ample water during grape set. Watch for leaf skeletonizers; use BT Worm Killer. Prune in winter, feed in February.
289905 Merlot Grape Vitis vinifera 'Merlot' Classic family of wine grapes includes such other renowned varieties as Zinfandel, and Chardonnay. Deep purple grapes. Blooms in mid spring. Large berried, vigorous variety with compact fruit. Likes rich, well-drained soil, ample water during grape set. Watch for leaf skeletonizers; use BT Worm Killer. Prune in winter, feed in February.
053501 Perlette Grape Vitis vinifera 'Perlette' A deciduous grapevine that produces yellow to light green clusters of translucent skinned grapes. The grapes are seedless and used for fruit and wine. When planted to cascade over an archway, the vines provide abundant shade. Blooms in mid spring. Likes rich, well-drained soil, ample water during grape set. Watch for leaf skeletonizers; use BT Worm Killer. Prune in winter, feed in February. deciduous
290504 Hybrid Fan Palm Washingtonia hybrid  A hydrid palm with features from both the Mexican and California Fan Palm. Grows moderately to 40 ft or more and hardy to about 20 degrees. Takes heat and drought, but thrives on moist, well-drained soil.  Has a slightly thicker trunk than the Mexican fan palm. Prune fronds only when completely brown. evergreen
108903 Hardy Water Lily Water Lily These tough water lilies make beautiful accents.  Submerge deeply 18 to 24 inches, in mostly sunny  areas of pond. Feed with 1 Aquatic Fertilizer Spike every 4 weeks during the early growing season.  Will cover an average of 3 to 8 sq. feet of surface. perennial
417101 Devil's River Wedelia texana Small shrub to 3 ft. tall. Woody at the base and herbaceous in the leafy parts. Branches send down roots and gradually increase the plants circumference. Rough-hairy gray-green foliage. Small showy Daisy-like yellow to orange flowers literally cover the plant on single stems. Full sun and good drainage. Fertilze spring and fall. perennial
477503 Variegated Weigela Weigela 'Variegata' Hummingbird lovers, this flowering shrub is for you! Gracefully arching with densely clustered funnel-shaped pink blooms. Flowering from spring into fall. Distinctive foliage with variegated oval leaves. Grows to 4 x 5'.  Pest and disease resistant. Deep infrequent water and afternoon shade. Cold hardy. Fertilize for good blooms. deciduous
226805 Amethyst Falls Wisteria Wisteria frutescens, 'Amethyst Falls' Slower growing wisteria vine with violet purple flower clusters in late spring and again in mid-summer. Provide good support.  Prune to train into small tree if desired. Likes sun or shade, any soil with good drainage, and regular water.  Feed low nitrogen high phosphorous in early spring. Hardy to 5 F. deciduous
288105U KENTUCKY BLUE MOON WISTERIA Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' Large, fast growing vine has violet purple flower clusters in late spring. Provide good support.  Prune to train into small tree if desired. Likes sun or shade, any soil with good drainage, and regular water.  Feed low nitrogen high phosphorous in early spring. Hardy to 20 F.
280505 COMPACT XYLOSMA Xylosma congestum 'Compactum' Dense spreading shrub to 4 x 6 ft or more. An excellent accent, hedge or screen for any area.  Shear or leave natural.  Likes full sun to medium shade, amended soil with good drainage, and deep, infrequent water when established. Feed lightly in spring and fall. Evergreen
491105 SPANISH BAYONET YUCCA -  Yucca aloifolia Slow-growing, widely adaptable plant to 8 feet or more with white flower stalks in summer.  Good in a variety for xeriscapes.  Full sun, well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when established.  Be careful of spines if located in well-traveled areas. Evergreen
015055 Yucca Cane Yucca elephantipes  Easy to grow houseplant. Requires average room temperature and as much light as possible. Water deeply and infrequently spring through fall, sparingly in the winter. Misting is not necessary. Houseplant Succulent
494830 EVE'S NEEDLE YUCCA Yucca faxoniana Large imposing Yucca. Slow-growing, plant to 12 feet or more with long leaves and white flower stalks in summer.  Good in a variety for xeriscapes. Very cold hardy to -20F. Full sun, well-drained soil, deep, infrequent water when established.  Be careful of spines if located in well-traveled areas.
494905 Margarita Yucca Yucca 'Margarita' Tropical clumping desert succulent with weeping varigated green and white leaves on short branched stems to 4 feet or more; white flowers on stalks to 4 feet tall in summer. New foliage has pink hue. Full sun, any soil, deep, infrequent water when established, use desert plant fertilizer.
491605 Beaked Yucca Yucca rostrata Handsome desert accent with 2' long blue-green leaves atop a trunk that ultimately reaches 12' high. Striking clusters of white flowers on 2' high stalks in March and April. This drought tolerant plant grows best in well drained soils and full sun. May be damaged at 15 F.
494705 Our Lords Candle Yucca Yucca 'Whippli' Columnar or multi branched rosette, up to 15 feet or more and 10 feet wide. Ivory colored flowers from May to June. Flowers are self pollinated. Tolerant of many different soil types and strong winds, but does best with good drainage. It can grow in semi-shade or full sun. Drought tolerant. May be damaged at 15 F.
397301 Calla Lily Zantendeschia Rhizome has shiny green, arrow shaped leaves sometimes with white spots. Pretty garden accent in afternoon shade. Flower bract surrounds central flower spike. Tolerates many soil conditions and thrives with ample water and regular fertilizer. Damage at 29 F. Protect from cold or grow as annual. perennial Rhizome has shiny green, arrow shaped leaves sometimes with white spots. Pretty garden accent in afternoon shade. Flower bract surrounds central flower spike. Tolerates many soil conditions and thrives with ample water and regular fertilizer. Damage at 29 F. Protect from cold or grow as annual. annual
146005 CALIFORNIA FUCHSIA Zauschneria californica Drought tolerant narrow grey leafed, with fall blooms of striking coral red. Tolerant of alkaline soil. Grows to 1 x 2 ft. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Best with afternoon shade, and good drainage. Fertilize with Flower Food spring and fall for best color.
232201 Hummingbird Bush Zauschneria epilobium A fast growing perennial that thrives in humid conditions. Prized by gardeners and bird enthusiasts for its brightly colored flowers that bloom summer thru fall. Attract an abundance of hummingbirds. Best with some afternoon shade good drainage and regular water. Prune annually. May be damaged at 23 F.
218901 White Gold Sweet Corn Zea, Mays 'White Gold' This bi-color sweet corn has a wonderful flavor. Corn, when properly cultivated can be a good producer in desert climates.  Place plants 1 foot apart; plant in blocks, not rows, for proper pollination. Feed once when stalks are 8-10 inches tall. Best in afternoon sun with rich garden soil, good drainage and regular water. Plant after frosts.
292840 White Sweet Corn Zea mays 'White Sweet" With a little effort, corn can be a good producer in desert climates. Place plants 1 foot apart; plant in blocks, not rows, for proper pollination.  Feed once when stalks are 8-10 inches tall.  Best in full sun with rich garden soil, good drainage and regular water.  PLANT SWEET CORN AFTER MARCH 15TH.