
What is the science behind Plant Health?
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Strong Backgrounds in Horticulture
are built through many years of
study and field experience.

Frank Rauscher was trained and certified
at the University of Reno, Las Vegas Extension
and the College of Southern Nevada

As Staff Horticulturist for Star Nurseries - Nevada and Utah
and Field Technician for Armstrong Garden Centers - Southern California
Frank performed over 300 on-site landscape consultations.
Troubleshooting and resolving thousands of plant,
soil and irrigation issues during the past 20 years.

"Published Research"
Deepens that background!

In addition to regular live television and radio appearances
Frank wrote over 65 articles that were published
in Maximum Yield Magazine, over the course of five years.

"The Research Required"
in order to produce these articles often lead
to the discovery of additional correlations between
Abiotic Causes (such as soil composition, and irrigation)
and the ultimate disease responsible for plant decline or death.

Additional Background & Skills
Published at LinkedIn

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