Soil Explorer

Background Information
Garden Galaxy
Irrigation & Soil Matching Software
Technical Bulletin
SOIL EXPLORER is a free educational tool.
Created to help understand the extent that
affect the depth of soil moisture achieved.
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This software has been developed to help understand how the movement of moisture within the soil (Hydraulic Conductivity - HCR) is radically affected by the mix of Sand, Silt and Clay within any soil. The mathematical algorithms that obtained copyright, and are accurate within 5% to the HCR triangle chart in section 4.
The subsequent analysis reports how the rate of water application will affect depth of moisture. When the soil is saturated. This moisture movement rate HCR is also known as "Ksat".
Once enough soil becomes saturated, water can begins ponding, spreading and/or running off due to excessive irrigation application rate.
Distribution is then negatively affected and waste increases.

The SPREADSHEET at the bottom of the Soil Explorer affords the user to gain a better picture of how water and moisture levels vary over the first 24 hours following an irrigation. Example; you will be able to see where the amount of water applied exceeds the amount of water that will cause ponding and run-off waste.

Please feel encouraged to contact us with any observations you may have from using this Free-Software by pressing CONTACT US at the bottom of the page.
If you wish to determine the composition mix of a soil sample, a Jar Test will do the job. This simple process requires only a few common items and can be completed in 5 minutes. To learn about performing the Jar Test click here:

Looking at the "Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Triangle" below;
1→ Select a spot or section within the Triangle that represents a particular "Soil Type".
2→Read the Sand coordinate for that spot (along the bottom - running right to left) and note the percent indicated.
3→Read the Clay coordinate that points to your spot (left side horizontal lines running bottom to top) and note the percentage list for that line.

You now have the Sand and Clay % data needed.
The Explorer will caculate the % of Silt as a result of the Sand and Clay inputs. This assures the percentages all add up to 100%.

Open the Soil Explorer webpage

4→NOW: Simply "plug the %" of sand and clay into the yellow data boxes in section 1 of the Soil Explorer.

5→Using the drop-down box; select the number of emitters (emitter count) you intend to experiment with. This count determines application flow rate, and is listed in the results section.

The EXAMPLE button, located immediately below the drop-down box will provide an image for better understanding how the emitter line is placed. This should help for selecting emitter count if needed.

If you're still not sure how many emitters you want to use - the drop-down box offers a "Tell Me" option. Without selecting emitter quantity - Just hit calculate to see the recommendation (blue box top of section 3) - go up to yellow drop-down box section 1b & make the change & hit calculate again.

The Soil Explorer is an educational tool for experimenting with various soil types and application flow rates. This will enable you to understand how, when these factors vary; the depth of moisture is affected. This in turn will help you produce more efficient irrigation designs. Becuase the application rate is an input that you can adjust, this will allow you to see how applying water too fast will affect the ultimate depth of moisture in the soil.

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