Raised Bed Irrigation Calculator
section 1
Accurate Watering Specifications
require knowledge of Soil Composition.
Information here:
section 2
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section 3
OPTIONAL data input
Plant Type Selection (moderate default)
Heavy Water User (Most Fruit trees).
Moderate Water User (needs regular watering).
Drought Tolerant Plant (low water use).
Succulent Plant (Very Drought tolerant).
100% of Optimum Moisture Depth - Tap to Reduce
Reduced (75%) Moisture Depth for soil
Minimal (50%)Moisture Depth for soil
Knowing the cost of water affords better decisions
Change selection if you prefer more shallow roots
Water Cost, Select a City or use Dry Climate Avg
National Average cost per 1000 gallons ($1.50)
Dry Climate Avg cost per 1000 gallons ($4.00)
Los Angeles CA avg. cost per 1000 gallons ($2.97)
San Diego CA avg. cost per 1000 gallons ($6.00)
Austin TX avg. cost per 1000 gallons ($3.25)
Phoenix AZ avg. cost per 1000 gallons ($4.75)
Santa Fe NM avg. cost per 1000 gallons ($7.50)
Las Vegas NV avg. cost per 1000 gallons ($2.50)
section 4
WIDTH and DEPTH of Soil
1 foot wide x 12 inches deep
2 feet wide x 12 inches deep
3 feet wide x 12 inches deep
4 feet wide x 12 inches deep
5 feet wide x 12 inches deep
1 foot wide x 18 inches deep
2 feet wide x 18 inches deep
3 feet wide x 18 inches deep
4 feet wide x 18 inches deep
5 feet wide x 18 inches deep
1 foot wide x 24 inches deep
2 feet wide x 24 inches deep
3 feet wide x 24 inches deep
4 feet wide x 24 inches deep
5 feet wide x 24 inches deep
LENGTH of Raised Bed
3 feet long
4 feet long
5 feet long
6 feet long
7 feet long
8 feet long
9 feet long
10 feet long
11 feet long
12 feet long
15 feet long
Enter your soil-less media type here:
[A] Soil-less Media (Potting, etc) Type Estimate
These are Sooil-Less Grow Media
Newer Organic Soilless (Potting) Mix.
Older Organic Soilless (Potting) Mix.
Newer Organic Soilless (Raised Bed) Mix.
Older Organic Soilless (Raised Bed) Mix.
Succulent Organic Soilless (Porous) Mix.
Not Using a "Soilless" Mix.
OR, Enter your Landscape Soil type here:
[B] If using "Landscape Soil" Enter here
These are NOT Soil-less Grow Media
Sandy Loam Soil: Drains in 12 mins.
Medium Loam soil: Drains in 23 mins.
Silty Loam soil: Drains in 44 mins.
Silt soil: Drains in 50 mins.
This colored group is NOT recommended
Very Sandy Soil: Drains < 2 mins.
Loamy Sand Soil: Drains in 5 mins.
Sandy Clay Loam soil: Drains in 70 mins.
Clay Loam soil: Drains in 130 mins.
Silty Clay Loam soil: Drains in 200 mins.
Sandy Clay soil: Drains in 4 hrs.
Silty Clay soil: Drains in 5 hrs.
Clay soil: Drains in 10+ hrs.
Select from either [A] or [B]
section 5
Current Irrigation Schedule
Only for the ZONE / VALVE supplying this plant!
Choose number of daily start times
Number of start times, this zone One (1), (Tap to change)
Previously hand watered, calculate total minutes
One (1) start time per watering day
Two (2) start times per watering day
Three (3)start times on watering day
Current or desired Run Time
for this zone. Leave blank if unknown
Time between 1st & last start
for this zone. Leave blank if unknown
section 6
Click to perform calculations:
Reset input data to start over
section 7
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Two Pages of Results Follow :
[Pg 1]
section 8
Recommended Scheduling
Double Check your input for accuracy
Irrigation Interval Seasonal Schedule
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Tap > Clear then enter Screenshot TEXT
* Bottom of frame for 1st screenshot *
[Pg 2]
section 9
Grow Media / Soil specifications
Observations from proposed Scheduling
Annual Water Use & related Costs
Annual rainfall greater than 12" will reduce this
section 10
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